Driver jailed 15 years for defiling minor in church

Aisha Yakubu

In a recent case at the Gender-Based Violence Court at the Police Headquarters, a 27-year-old driver, Enoch Mensah, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the defilement of a 14-year-old girl. Mensah pleaded guilty to the charge of defilement, resulting in his conviction and sentencing by the court.

The prosecution presented evidence that Mensah had engaged in sexual intercourse with the victim on multiple occasions, both at her home and on the grounds of a church in Sowutuom. The victim, who innocently followed Mensah when he solicited her help, was subjected to this heinous act. Detective Chief Inspector Opoku Aniagyei emphasized the need for a deterrent sentence, citing the increasing number of defilement cases.

According to the prosecution, Mensah, who resided in the same area as the victim, took advantage of her assistance in cleaning a church near Sowutuom. He then proceeded to have unprotected sexual intercourse with her on multiple occasions, cautioning her not to disclose the incidents to anyone.

The case came to light when the victim's mother noticed changes in her daughter's behavior and questioned her, leading to the disclosure of the ordeal. The matter was reported to the police, and medical care was sought for the victim. Mensah was subsequently arrested, and he admitted to the offence in his caution statement.

The prosecution's argument for a stringent sentence to deter others with similar inclinations highlights the gravity of such crimes and the need for robust legal action. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals from exploitation and abuse.

It is imperative for society to stand against such reprehensible acts and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. The court's decision to impose a significant prison term sends a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

As we strive to create a safe and secure environment for all members of our community, it is crucial to continue advocating for the protection of individuals, particularly minors, from exploitation and harm. Through collective efforts and unwavering commitment to justice, we can work towards preventing and addressing cases of defilement and gender-based violence.

-By Neizer Gyamfi | Ghana Crimes


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