Attempted murder: A masked man tied me down at gun point with rope – Witness to Court

Aisha Yakubu

In a recent court hearing at the High Court in Accra, a former guard, Ernest Akampisi Jacob, recounted a harrowing experience where he was tied down at gunpoint by a masked man. Jacob, who is now a mason, was working as a security guard in 2020 when the incident occurred. He was testifying as the 2nd Prosecution Witness in a case involving Pius Ayoma, a private security man who has been charged with offenses including attempted murder and robbery.

According to Jacob's testimony, the accused arrived at the house he was guarding wearing a mask and carrying a gun. He described how the accused tied him down at gunpoint with a rope and proceeded to enter the house. Jacob recounted being ordered to lie down and then being tied up with rope and a necktie, all while being threatened with the gun.

Despite the ordeal, Jacob pleaded with the masked man, who eventually spared his life after hearing him speak in his local language on the phone. The assailant then forced Jacob to make a phone call before leaving the scene with the homeowner. Jacob's account of the events paints a chilling picture of the trauma he endured during the attack.

It is evident from Jacob's testimony that the incident had a profound impact on him, as he described hearing his employer crying outside while he was tied up. Fortunately, he was eventually untied by his employer and others who came to his rescue. After being sent to the hospital due to the pain he was experiencing, Jacob was discharged the following day.

The details provided by Jacob during his testimony shed light on the terrifying nature of the attack and the emotional distress he experienced. His courage in recounting the events in court is commendable, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking justice for victims of such crimes.

As the case continues to unfold in court, it is crucial that the legal process ensures accountability for the accused and provides support for individuals like Jacob who have been subjected to such traumatic experiences. The pursuit of justice in this case is not only about holding the perpetrator accountable but also about acknowledging and addressing the lasting impact of such crimes on the victims.

The bravery displayed by individuals like Ernest Akampisi Jacob in sharing their experiences is a testament to their resilience in the face of adversity. It is our hope that through the legal proceedings, justice will be served, and steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

-source Starrfm | curated by Neizer Gyamfi | Ghana Crimes


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