Galamsey: Cases involving Chinese are thrown out over difficulty finding interpreters – Forestry Commission

Tetteh Belinda

The Greater Accra Forestry Commission recently brought to light a significant challenge in the prosecution of cases involving Chinese illegal miners, also known as 'galamsey'. According to the Deputy Accra Regional Manager of the Forestry Commission, George Agbenowoshi, these cases often face dismissal due to the unavailability of interpreters in the courts.

Speaking at a tree planting event in Accra as part of the activities marking the 'Green Ghana Day', Mr. Agbenowoshi highlighted the difficulty in addressing longstanding cases involving Chinese miners, as interpreters proficient in the Chinese language are often unavailable. This lack of interpretation leads to the dismissal of such cases, posing a barrier to justice and enforcement efforts.

In addition to the interpreter challenge, Mr. Agbenowoshi emphasized other obstacles hindering the Commission's work. Delays in the release of funds for forest development activities, including plantation initiatives, were cited as a significant concern. Furthermore, logistical issues such as the availability of pickups for field operations were identified as challenges that impact the Commission's ability to effectively combat forest offenses.

These offenses encompass a range of activities including galamsey, illegal logging, lumbering, and chain-saw operations occurring across the country. The combination of inadequate resources and logistical hurdles significantly hampers the Commission's efforts to address these pressing environmental issues.

The disclosure from the Greater Accra Forestry Commission sheds light on the multifaceted challenges faced in the enforcement of environmental regulations and the prosecution of offenders. Addressing these issues will require concerted efforts to overcome logistical, financial, and linguistic barriers in order to effectively safeguard Ghana's forests and natural resources.

-source Starrfm | curated by Tetteh Belinda | GhanaCrimes


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