Man beaten to pulp for attempting to buy items with counterfeit at Kejetia market

Tetteh Belinda

We are deeply disturbed by the recent incident that took place at the Kejetia market in Kumasi, where a man was subjected to a brutal beating by a mob. The unfortunate event transpired when the individual, in collaboration with an accomplice, attempted to defraud a trader by using counterfeit currency for a transaction.

Upon discovering the counterfeit money, the trader promptly raised an alarm, prompting nearby vendors to converge on the scene. In the ensuing commotion, one of the suspects managed to evade capture, while the other was apprehended and subjected to a vicious assault by the incensed crowd.

It is disheartening to witness such acts of violence, and we commend the intervention of other traders who pleaded for clemency on behalf of the accused. Eventually, the mob relented and allowed the individual to escape.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the detrimental effects of counterfeit currency and the importance of remaining vigilant against such fraudulent activities. We urge members of the public to exercise caution and verify the authenticity of any currency used in transactions to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

As a community, it is imperative that we uphold the principles of justice and refrain from resorting to vigilante actions. We hope that the authorities will conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and take appropriate measures to prevent such occurrences from happening again.

Our thoughts are with the victim of this senseless act, and we fervently hope for his swift recovery. Let us stand together in condemning acts of violence and promoting a safe and fair marketplace for all.

-source Adomonline | curated by Tetteh Belinda | GhanaCrimes


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