Ghanaian lawyer and son arrested for scamming immigrants in the US

Aisha Yakubu

We are deeply troubled by the recent news of Ghanaian lawyer Kofi Amankwaa and his son, Kofi Amankwaa Jr., facing charges related to an extensive seven-year immigration scheme. The alleged conspiracy, involving advising clients seeking green cards to submit fraudulent petitions under the Violence Against Women Act, has sent shockwaves through the legal and immigrant communities.

The gravity of the situation is underscored by the potential maximum sentences of five and ten years for conspiracy to defraud the United States and immigration fraud, respectively. The legal actions taken by U.S. Attorney Damian Williams and New York Attorney General Letitia James, seeking restitution and damages against the accused, further emphasize the severity of the allegations.

The suspension of Kofi Amankwaa's New York law license in November, amid numerous complaints from clients or their family members, is a clear indication of the impact of these alleged actions. Despite the suspension, Amankwaa continued to provide legal advice, with his son also involved, despite lacking a New York law license.

The case of Ricardo Velazquez, one of Amankwaa's clients, serves as a poignant example of the dire consequences that have arisen from these alleged actions. Velazquez followed Amankwaa's guidance, only to be detained in Mexico and eventually deported, after living in the Bronx for over two decades.

Legal experts, including Stephen Yale-Loehr of Cornell Law School, have expressed astonishment at the use of the Violence Against Women Act for immigration fraud, highlighting the challenges in identifying such deceptive practices. The unfolding events underscore the devastating impact on families seeking the American dream, as trust in Mr. Amankwaa turned into forced separation and a profound breach of ethical conduct.

It is imperative that justice is served in this case, and that measures are taken to prevent such exploitation of vulnerable individuals seeking legal assistance with immigration matters. The legal profession carries a responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards, and any breach of this duty must be met with appropriate consequences.

As this case continues to develop, we will closely monitor the proceedings and hope for a swift resolution that upholds the integrity of the legal system and provides recourse for those affected by these alleged actions.

-By Owusu Ankarah | Ghana Crimes


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