Four arrested by EOCO over sophisticated mobile money and SIM swap fraud

Aisha Yakubu

We have recently seen a rise in sophisticated fraudulent activities targeting mobile money and sim swap schemes. The Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) has taken swift action by apprehending four individuals allegedly involved in such fraudulent activities, resulting in significant financial losses for a prominent bank in Ghana.

The accused individuals, namely Richmond Donkor, Celicia Asabere, Salifu Eshum, and Daniel Asomani Baawiah, have been brought before the Accra Circuit Court to face charges related to their involvement in the fraudulent scheme. The charges include conspiracy to steal, with additional charges of stealing and altering forged documents (ECOWAS Identity Card) brought against Richmond Donkor.

Despite the accused persons pleading guilty with explanation, the court, presided over by Mr. Isaac Addo, entered a plea of not guilty on their behalf after hearing their respective explanations. The prosecution, led by Mr. Abu Issa of EOCO, has requested the court to remand the accused individuals to allow for the completion of investigations, particularly the arrest of Derrick Obeng, believed to be the mastermind behind the crime.

In light of the gravity of the offense and to prevent further interference with the investigation, the court has decided to remand the accused individuals. They are expected to reappear in court on March 27, 2024.

The prosecution has revealed that preliminary investigations unveiled a complex operation involving collusion with individuals within Vodafone, Airtel Tigo, and the affected bank. This collaboration allowed the accused persons to carry out mobile money and sim swap fraud, resulting in substantial financial losses for several bank customers.

Specific details of the fraudulent activities include the alteration of ECOWAS ID cards, unauthorized swapping of phone numbers linked to bank accounts, and subsequent unauthorized transfers of funds to various accounts and mobile money platforms. The accused individuals were allegedly involved in multiple unauthorized transactions leading to significant financial losses for the affected bank and its customers.

It is evident that such fraudulent activities pose a serious threat to the financial security of individuals and institutions. The swift action taken by EOCO in apprehending the alleged perpetrators is commendable and underscores the importance of robust measures to combat financial fraud.

As we await further developments in this case, it is crucial for financial institutions and regulatory bodies to enhance security protocols and collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies to prevent and combat such fraudulent activities. Additionally, raising awareness among the public about the risks associated with mobile money and sim swap fraud is essential in safeguarding individuals from falling victim to such schemes.

We will continue to monitor this case and provide updates as it progresses through the legal process. It is imperative that all stakeholders remain vigilant and proactive in addressing the evolving challenges posed by financial fraud in today's digital age.

-source GNA | curated by Aisha Yakubu | Ghana Crimes


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