Human Rights Case: Fmr. New Force Spokesperson demands $1M compensation at ECOWAS Court

Aisha Yakubu

In recent news, Shalimar Abbiusi, the former spokesperson for the New Force Movement, has taken legal action against the Republic of Ghana for alleged human rights violations. Abbiusi, represented by her legal team led by Francis Xavier Sosu, filed a case at the international ECOWAS court on January 23, 2024, seeking compensation and justice for the perceived injustices she experienced.

The legal action stems from an incident in December last year when the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) arrested and charged Abbiusi for allegedly obtaining a student permit through false declaration. Subsequently, the charges were dropped, and she was deported from the country. Dissatisfied with the deportation process and critical of the GIS for alleged human rights abuses, Abbiusi is seeking nine reliefs for human rights violations and injustice.

Among the reliefs sought by Abbiusi are declarations asserting her entitlement to internationally recognized human rights within the territorial jurisdiction of Ghana, as well as Ghana's obligation to respect and protect these rights. She also seeks declarations that her rights to liberty, security, fair hearing, administrative justice, equality before the law, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of movement were violated by the Republic of Ghana.

Notably, Abbiusi is demanding compensatory damages amounting to one million United States dollars (USD 1,000,000.00) from the Republic of Ghana. Additionally, she is seeking costs, including legal fees, on a full indemnity basis, and any other orders or directions deemed appropriate by the court to give effect to the declarations made in her case.

The originating application for the enforcement of Abbiusi's human rights, pursuant to relevant international articles and protocols, was filed on January 24, 2024. This legal action underscores the significance of upholding human rights and seeking redress for alleged violations, reflecting a broader global commitment to ensuring justice and accountability.

As this case unfolds, it will be essential to closely monitor the proceedings and eventual outcomes, as it holds implications for the protection of human rights within national and international contexts. The pursuit of justice in cases of alleged human rights violations serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to uphold fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals.

-source starrfm | curated by Aisha Yakubu | Ghana Crimes


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