Three individuals sentenced to life imprisonment by Ho High Court

Aisha Yakubu

We are deeply saddened by the tragic events that unfolded at the Omanhene Palace at Pai Kantanka, resulting in the loss of four lives. However, we find solace in the fact that justice has been served as the Ho High Court has delivered its verdict on the matter.

Three individuals, namely Kwabena Aduam, Amanpene Gyane, and Kwabena Asante, have been found guilty on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, murder, and abetment of crime. In a unanimous decision by the seven jurors appointed to adjudicate the case, all three individuals have been sentenced to life imprisonment.

During the reading of the judgement, His Lordship Justice George Buadi highlighted the inconsistencies in the witness statements and cross-examination of the accused. It was noted that despite attempts to plead alibi, evidence presented by the investigator proved beyond reasonable doubt their involvement in the crime.

The emotional response from Kwabena Aduam and Amanpene Gyane, who broke down in uncontrollable tears, stands in stark contrast to the indifference displayed by Kwabena Asante as he was escorted from the courtroom to a waiting van.

It is important to note that despite the gravity of this situation, we must commend the diligence of the court and law enforcement in ensuring that those responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable. Senior State Attorney Moses Asampoa expressed gratitude to the court and jurors for upholding the principle of justice and sending a clear message to those who seek to take the law into their own hands.

The background of the incident reveals a disturbing trend of chieftaincy disputes in the area, despite a court ruling affirming Nana Diawuo Bediako II as the rightful ruler. It is our hope that with this verdict, there will be a renewed commitment to upholding peace and order in the community.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time. May they find comfort in knowing that justice has been served.

-source ghanaweb | curated by Aisha Yakubu | Ghana Crimes


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