Upper East Regional Coordinating Council impose temporary ban on riding of motorbikes in Binduri District

Aisha Yakubu

The Upper East Regional Co-ordinating Council has recently implemented a temporary ban on the riding of motorbikes in the Binduri District. This decision was made as part of a series of measures taken by the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) at an emergency meeting held on January 22.

The decision to impose a ban on motorbike riding in the Binduri district comes in the wake of renewed killings in Bawku and Binduri. In response to these troubling developments, the REGSEC saw fit to review the curfew hours in Bawku, extending them from 8:00pm-5:00am to 6:00pm-6:00am. Additionally, the temporary ban on motorbike riding in the Binduri district was deemed necessary to address the security challenges in the area.

In a press release dated January 29 and signed by Alhaji Abubakari Inusa, Chief Director of the Regional Coordinating Council, it was stated that, "Following renewed killings in Bawku and Binduri, the REGSEC decided to review the curfew hours in Bawku from 8:00pm-5:00am to 6:00pm to 6:00am. It also placed a temporary ban on the riding of motorbikes in the Binduri district."

The press release further directed the District Security Committee (DISEC) of the Binduri District Assembly to enforce the directive with effect from January 29, 2024. This directive underscores the seriousness with which the REGSEC views the need for immediate action to address the security situation in the Binduri district.

The decision to impose a temporary ban on motorbike riding is a significant step aimed at enhancing security and preventing further violence in the Binduri district. Motorbikes have been identified as a common mode of transportation used by perpetrators of violent acts, and as such, restricting their use is seen as a proactive measure to curb criminal activities.

It is important to note that while this temporary ban may cause inconvenience to some residents who rely on motorbikes for their daily transportation needs, the primary goal is to ensure the safety and security of all individuals within the Binduri district. The REGSEC, in collaboration with the relevant authorities, will work towards finding alternative solutions to minimize the impact of this ban on the affected communities.

The enforcement of this temporary ban will require close cooperation between the DISEC, law enforcement agencies, and community leaders. It is essential for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that the directive is effectively implemented and that any potential challenges are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.

In light of these developments, it is crucial for residents of the Binduri district to comply with the temporary ban on motorbike riding and to support efforts aimed at maintaining peace and security in their communities. It is only through collective action and a shared commitment to safety that lasting solutions to the security challenges facing the region can be achieved.

Looking ahead, the REGSEC will continue to monitor the security situation in the Binduri district closely and will take further actions as necessary to address any emerging threats. The safety and well-being of all residents remain paramount, and every effort will be made to restore peace and stability in the affected areas.


The decision to impose a temporary ban on motorbike riding in the Binduri district underscores the urgent need to address security concerns and prevent further violence. The REGSEC remains committed to working with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of this directive and to explore long-term solutions that will contribute to lasting peace and security in the region.

-source 3news | curated by Neizer Gyamfi | Ghana Crimes


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